Hill Garden Rotary Hill Garden Since 2004 Rotary Library Rotary Municipal Library Rotary School Rotary AM English School
all over the world

Rotary unites more than a million people

Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Our Leaders

permanent projects

Rotary Club of Bhuj - Hill Garden

Rotary Hill Garden

Rotary Club of Bhuj - Municipal Library

Rotary Municipal Library

Rotary AM English School

Rotary AM English School

Upcoming events




Installation ceremony

Bhuj, Gujarat

Our permanent project

Hill Garden

Hill Garden is major garden of Bhuj and is maintained actively by Rotary Club of Bhuj since beginning. It has many amusement rides for kids, along with a lake designed especially for boating. Beautifully landscaped areas were also developed within Hill Garden to facilitate elders and people of all ages in having a relaxing time.

Area Of Focus

Basic Education and Literacy
Supporting the Environment
Community Economic Development
Disease Prevention and Treatment
Partners in Service